Die Installation of Rotate Tablet Machine

Die Installation of Rotate Tablet Machine

Before the die device, first of all, the hopper, powder feeder, feeder rack and other parts should be removed, and the working face of the turntable, die holes and the mounted die wiped clean one by one. Preparations should be made, and installation should be carried out in accordance with the following steps.

(1) Medium-die device: the middle-die fastening screw on the turntable is one by one flat with the outer circle area of the turntable, so that the middle-die loading does not touch the head of the screw. The middle-die device is very tight and flat when placed. The middle-die punching rod (random tool) can be used to punch in, for hammer tapping in gently and the middle-die entering the die. The plane of the hole must not be higher than that of the turntable to be qualified, and then the screw should be fastened.

(2) Up-punching device: The tongue-inserting device at the notch of the upper guide disc should be pulled up, the tail of the middle rod should be coated with vegetable oil, and inserted into the hole one by one. The thumb and index finger should be used to rotate the punch rod to check that the head enters the upper and lower parts of the middle die and rotates flexibly. No hard rubbing is required to be qualified, and the tongue-inserting should be pulled down after all

(3) Down-punching device: Open the small door on the main body, install the round hole on the main body, install the same method as the upstream punching, after installing, the disc must be flattened.

(4) After the die is fully assembled, the dismantled parts are assembled in situ, and the test handwheel is rotated by hand to rotate the turntable for 1-2 turns. To observe the ups and downs rushing into the middle die hole and moving on the curve guide, it is necessary to operate the motor flexibly without collision and hard rubbing, so that the empty car can run for 2-3 minutes and then be put into production smoothly and normally.


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